Useful links to more information

Building Air Leakage and Testing


How to fix the holes in Australia’s building codes. By Sean Maxwell

There’s an ill wind blowing through the Australian Building sector. By Air Barrier Technologies.

Commissioning for Better Building Airtightness. By Sean Maxwell

The Better Blower Door Test for Multifamily Energy Code. By Sean Maxwell

Complying with Duct Leakage Standards (AS 4254.2)

Duct leakage and leakage testing. By Ian Wills BE MEngSc PhD CPEng FIEAust M.AIRAH

Achieving Easy Compliance With Australian Rigid Duct Sealing Standard (AS 4254.2) Which Requires Sealing to Extremely Low Leakage Rates. By Aeroseal Australia.

Air Quality Important Issues

Pleural Mesothelioma Cancer